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Global Oil Gas Senior International Business DevelopmentAnalyst ... at MatchaTalent
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Job Descrption
This role required candidate to permanently relocateat Dhahran Saudi Arabia.

About the Company

This company engages in the exploration productiontransportation and sale of crude oil and natural gas. It operatesthrough the following segments : Upstream Downstream and Corporate.

The Upstream segment includes crude oil natural gas and natural gasliquids exploration field development and production. TheDownstream segment focuses on refining logistics power generationand the marketing of crude oil petroleum and petrochemical productsand related services to international and domestic customers.

TheCorporate segment offers supporting services including humanresources finance and information technology. The company wasfounded on May 29 1933 and is headquartered in Dhahran SaudiArabia.

Job Summary

We are seeking a Business Development Analyst to join theManufacturing Technology & Operational Services TransactionsDepartment (MTOST) at This Company.

MTOST handles transactionsacross... various business lines focusing on manufacturing newtechnologies and operational services related to SAOoperations.

The Business Development Analystwill play a key role in supporting the screening planning analysisand development of new business ventures and divestments.

Responsibilities include evaluating transaction proposals activelymanaging project execution and engaging in valuation due diligencenegotiation and transaction structuring.

The Analyst will driveprojects from initial proposal through to final deal signing andclosing.

KeyResponsibilities :
• Conduct detailed due diligence on different aspects oftarget companies (with support from relevant organizations in thecompany).
• Perform valuation of targetcompanies based on different methods (with support from otherorganizations in the company) and evaluate the business plan of thetargets.
• Independently handle businessproposals develop a negotiation strategy and establish commercialterms for the transaction reflecting these in the term sheet.

Negotiate and develop definitive agreements (with the help of thelaw department and other relevant organizations in thecompany).
• Validate activities to progressproposals through stage gates prioritize business proposals againstinvestment criteria and NBD portfolio strategy.
• Manage all aspects of transaction execution includingselecting onboarding and working with advisors.
• Manage overall stakeholder management includingcollaboration with internal organizations consultants and potentialpartners.
• Assemble initial offerings topotential investors lead investor selection activities andcoordinate with This Company subject matter experts to draftMemorandums of Understanding / Letter of Intent.
• Provide administrative direction in the development andreview of legal documents including head of terms MoU costsharingagreements and shareholder agreements.
• Ensurecompliance with process stage gates and approvals approve contractpayments and variations within limits provide administrativedirection and personnel management to all assigned BusinessDevelopment Analysts and perform other miscellaneous duties asdirected.
• Support the law department inantitrust clearance activities and internal proponent organizationsin postacquisition integration activities.
• Perform other miscellaneous duties asdirected.

Requirements :

Willingness to permanentlyrelocate to Dhahran Saudi Arabia.

Education andQualifications :
• Preferably hold a Bachelors degree in AccountingEconomics Business or Finance from a recognized and approvedinternational program.
• An MBA and / orequivalent qualification will be a plus though not arequirement.

Experience :
• Ideal candidate should have 1015 years ofexperience in business development and transactionsexecution.
• Experience with IOCs / NOCscorporates international consulting firms accounting firmsinvestment banks and private equity firms is preferred.

Skillsand Competencies :
• Strong background in transactions execution withextensive experience in financial valuation modeling due diligencecommercial negotiations and transaction structuring.
• Adequate understanding of financial analysis of companiesvaluation methodologies commercial principles of transactions andvarious types of transactions.
• Industryexpertise or knowledge of specific venturing activities such ascommercialization spinoffs joint venturing project developmentfinancial valuations modeling facilities planning strategydevelopment or relevant experience.
• Goodinterpersonal communication skills.
• Workingknowledge of a variety of MS Office tools.
• Strong timemanagement skills ability to meet deadlinesand work under stress.
• Proven analytical andproblemsolving skills with attention to detail and emphasis onquality.
• Strong team player demonstratinginitiative dynamism and creativity.
• Fluency inEnglish (and other languages if possible).
• Solid understanding of commercial business models invarious sectors e.g. oil & gas.
• Experiencewith risk reporting and risk dashboard.
• Understanding of portfolio managementprinciples.
• Solid understanding of accountingfundamentals.
• Chartered Financial Analyst(CFA) Certified Management Accountant (CMA) or Project ManagementProfessional (PMP) certification are advantageous.

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