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Class 2 Refuse Truck Drivers at Dh Recruitment
London, United Kingdom

Job Descrption
Driver Hire - the UK's largest specialist logistics recruiter are working in partnership with local authorities to recruit Class 2 refuse truck drivers for ongoing positions.

Ideally applicants will have some commercial driving experience, however we will consider new pass drivers as well.

For drivers working in Aberdeen City you will be expected to work Mon - Thu, 07:00 - 15:00 / Fri 07:00 - 14:30

For drivers working in Aberdeenshire you will be expected to work a 4 day week Mon - Thu 07:00 - 16:45pm.

Before commencing work with either the city or the shire you will be given a full induction and training on operating the vehicle. Drivers will then be paired up with crews and allocated set routes to cover.

These are all ongoing positions with a very strong possibility of being offered a full time permanent position if this is something you desire.

Immediate starts available.

Please apply today specifying which area you would prefer to work in

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2 jobs found
Class 2 Refuse Truck Drivers at Dh Recruitment
London, United Kingdom
Class 2 Refuse Truck Drivers at Dh Recruitment
London, United Kingdom